Thursday 5 July 2012

Funding for Transition

After adding up the donations and commissions I've received from some wonderful people in the last month (thank you so much!) and half of the amount it would cost me to buy my testogel privately (I finally got my hormones funded on the NHS), the new total for my top surgery fund is £2750! And just to make it a more even amount, I'll add in an extra £50.

£2800 out of £6000. I'm so close to the halfway mark, I can smell it! Although that may be the chicken I had for lunch.

If I tighten my belt a bit more, I can probably manage to save up another 1-2000 GBP by September. That still leaves me £1000 short of my goal though. If you can help in any way, please do so. Either donating what you can afford or sharing the link to this post - every little bit helps!

For those of you who are able to donate, I thank you in advance. For those of you who can't donate but do link to this post, thank you for helping get word out.

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