Monday 2 July 2012

C25K - Week 2 Day 1

To take the place of the 10 week Fresh Start fitness/health programme, I have started the 9 week (estimated) NHS Choices Couch to 5K running programme. The C25K programme is a downloadable podcast that encourages you to build up to running a full 5 kilometres.

Week 2 consists of 1 podcast in which you alternately run for 90 seconds and walk for 2 minutes. You do this for a total of 20 minutes, with 5 minutes before and after to warm up and cool down.

I found the first 90 second run to be fairly easy, but I forgot to check my speed and thus the other runs were quite a bit slower as I tired myself out with the first one! I managed to cover about 2 miles during the podcast and finished the final lap around my housing estate while listening to the music I had put on my MP3 player to bring the total distance up to 2.9 miles - in the rain.

My running shoes seem to be taking good care of my ankles. I was able to walk up the stairs without any pain right after my third mile, which is a good indicator of how well the shoes support my arches and ankles!

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