Tuesday, 6 December 2011

FTM Pathway for Halton and St Helens PCT

I received another email from the Interim Chief Operating Officer of Halton CCG today. In his email, he listed the Female to Male (FtM) core surgical procedures. These are the surgeries that are recommended for support and funding by PCTs in the North West of England.

The recommendation of the North West Specialised Commissioning Team is that PCTs support and fund the following core surgical procedures for female to male (FtM) patients where an application has been made by the patient’s clinician:
·         Mastectomy
·         Hysterectomy
·         Vaginectomy
·         Salpingo-oophorectomy
·         Metoidoplasty or phalloplasty
·         Urethroplasty
·         Scrotoplasty and placement of testicular prostheses
The recommended non-core procedures are not routinely funded.  Requests for funding on an individual case basis can be made and these requests are considered for funding by a PCT in line with existing local
policies for plastic surgery/cosmetic procedures.  It must be stressed that this list is not exhaustive and any other procedure not listed would be considered as non-core procedure until further review.  The following
are non-core procedures:
·         Breast augmentation in trans women
·         Reduction Thyroid chondroplasty
·         Rhinoplasty / other facial bone reduction
·         Blepharoplasty
·         Face-lift
·         Hair removal/ electrolysis
·         Body contouring – e.g. suction-assisted lipoplasty of the waist
·         Voice modification surgery
·         Procedures to decrease areas of baldness
·         Storage of gametes
·         Skin resurfacing -  e.g. acid peel (a method of removing the upper layer of skin in order to improve skin smoothness)

 As you can see, mastectomies are considered to be a core surgical procedure for FtMs and PCTs are supposed to fund them.

He also attached a document which details the pathways for transgender people. You can find it after the jump, but be warned that it seems to be out of date in regards to the Gender Identity Clinics that are listed. The document lists Leeds Becklin Centre and Claybrook Centre in London. This is incorrect. The current GICs are located at Seacroft Hospital in Leeds and Charing Cross (CHX) in London.

I have emailed my contact asking for further clarification and will post another blog entry when I receive it.

Gender Reassignment F2M Pathway V1 31 10 08

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