With this in mind, I checked my "other" message box on Facebook to see if this stranger had done so. He hadn't, but surprisingly there was another message in my "other" inbox from yet another person whom I don't know. This extremely lovely individual (please read that with sarcasm thick enough to use as a winter coat) somehow thought that she couldn't rest until she called me an "ABOMINATION to God", insulted my reading skills and questioned my gender identity. How loving of her, right?
Normally, I would just roll my eyes at the poor holier than thou moron and delete the message. This time however, since she went to the trouble of sending me a private message, I decided to respond. She then responded back, quoting two of the infamous "clobber" passages (Leviticus 20:13 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11) both of which Xtians love to quote out of context for some reason. My original response to her must have really hit a nerve though, because she blocked me. Not surprising really; Xtians love to call out other people for their "sins", but when someone else rationally points out to them that they are, in fact sinning by calling people "abominations", they don't seem to like it much. Pot, kettle; can't stand the heat and all that.
Anyway, here is a screen of her original message and my slightly trolling response. I didn't include her response to me as it was just her saying "I'm not judging, these are God's words" and a copy/paste of the two aforementioned, out of context verses. If there are any reading this who find offence with my slightly trolling and/or snarky response, I do apologise for you being offended. Saying that however, there really isn't any other way of responding to people like this woman. They say these things to LGBT people day in and day out, yet refuse to even think that what they're saying is hurtful and harmful.