Or places online where I can be found.
Since I have recently changed my IRL legal name, a lot of my websites and messengers have changed as well. I figured now would be a good time as any to list the places where you can find me. This is not a complete list, but is where I am most active.
Feel free to add me to any messenger, social website, etc that is linked below. If you do, please remember that I am a single parent and am not always at my computer or not able to reply immediately (like, for example, if I'm playing a game to entertain my son or am drawing or whatever). Be courteous and respectful, or don't bother. :P
With all that out of the way, here is where you can find me online.
Social Sites:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/muirhalleron
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/MuirDragonne
Google+: https://plus.google.com/10990678569.....90721262/posts (I'm not active on here, but feel free to add me if you want. If you need an invite, let me know and I'll send you one)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/MuirDragonne
Art Sites:
ArtRage: http://www2.ambientdesign.com/galle.....mageuser=14292
Deviant Art: http://dragoness-muir.deviantart.com/
ArtSpots: http://muir.artspots.com/ (No longer posting art on this website)
Inkbunny: https://inkbunny.net/Muir
FurAffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/muir/
Q&A sites:
Proust: http://www.proust.com/story/32764/
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BigenderDragon
MSN: MuirDragonne[at]hotmail.co.uk
Yahoo: MuirDrgaonne[at]yahoo.co.uk
Blogspot: http://muirdragonne.blogspot.com/
A place to showcase my art and digital paintings, as well as share my thoughts and ideas on art, current, and personal events.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Trans* and Genderqueer Categories Part 6
Tonight is the last actual article in this series. It's been fun, and I've learned a thing or two while doing my research for each article.
The final entry is Bigender. Bigendered people may be considered to be part of both the Transgender and Genderqueer categories. This is partly because of what it is and how those who are bigendered live their lives.
Bigendered people are under the Genderqueer umbrella because they are mentally both male and female. Often this manifests itself as "modes". Sometimes a bigendered person will be in "male mode" and will dress, act, feel, and otherwise present themselves as male. Other times they will be in "female mode" and will present as such.
They are under the Transgender category because often, to help with their sense of gender dysphoria, they will undergo some form of gender reassignment. This often includes things such as hormones.
Most bigendered people prefer the opposite birth gender pronouns. So if the person was born a female, they will prefer that people call them "he", if male, then "she". But this is not always the case and depends on the individual person. If you are in doubt, then ask them which pronouns they prefer. Trust me - they won't mind you asking.
I'm going to end this article with two videos made by bigendered people. The first one is by Brin and she talks about dysphoria. In the second video, Sydney gives a very good illustration about what Bigender is.
The final entry is Bigender. Bigendered people may be considered to be part of both the Transgender and Genderqueer categories. This is partly because of what it is and how those who are bigendered live their lives.
Bigendered people are under the Genderqueer umbrella because they are mentally both male and female. Often this manifests itself as "modes". Sometimes a bigendered person will be in "male mode" and will dress, act, feel, and otherwise present themselves as male. Other times they will be in "female mode" and will present as such.
They are under the Transgender category because often, to help with their sense of gender dysphoria, they will undergo some form of gender reassignment. This often includes things such as hormones.
Most bigendered people prefer the opposite birth gender pronouns. So if the person was born a female, they will prefer that people call them "he", if male, then "she". But this is not always the case and depends on the individual person. If you are in doubt, then ask them which pronouns they prefer. Trust me - they won't mind you asking.
I'm going to end this article with two videos made by bigendered people. The first one is by Brin and she talks about dysphoria. In the second video, Sydney gives a very good illustration about what Bigender is.
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Trans* and Genderqueer Categories Part 5
Only two more articles in this "in-depth" series to go! Have you enjoyed the articles so far? Have you learned anything? I hope the answer to both questions is "yes".
Today I'm going to attempt to say what the term "GenderQueer" is and how people who identify as such see themselves. I say "attempt", because it can get quite confusing.
Genderqueer, in a nutshell, is non-binary. People who are genderqueer do not identify as either a man or a woman, but rather a mixture of the two or totally outside the gender binary "norms". People who identify as Genderqueer may think of themselves as being both a man and a woman, neither male nor female, moving between genders, or being part of a third gender.
Some genderqueers go through transition in some degree or another by taking hormones or having surgery (either top or bottom or both) to make their body outwardly look the way that they feel in their minds. Some don't. Both are okay. Some genderqueers prefer to be addressed by gender-neutral pronouns such as "ze", "hir", "they", "their". Others prefer the more conventional binary pronouns such as "he" and "her". It's really up to personal choice.
Genderqueer is seen as freedom from conventional binary genders that society has placed on us. Everyone is seen as equal, because no one is better than any one else.
I'll leave you with a quote from genderqueer person:
"I don't know if I'm male or female or both or neither. All I know is that when I'm filling out a form and it makes me choose "male" or "female", I really want to tell it to f*ck off."
Today I'm going to attempt to say what the term "GenderQueer" is and how people who identify as such see themselves. I say "attempt", because it can get quite confusing.
Genderqueer, in a nutshell, is non-binary. People who are genderqueer do not identify as either a man or a woman, but rather a mixture of the two or totally outside the gender binary "norms". People who identify as Genderqueer may think of themselves as being both a man and a woman, neither male nor female, moving between genders, or being part of a third gender.
Some genderqueers go through transition in some degree or another by taking hormones or having surgery (either top or bottom or both) to make their body outwardly look the way that they feel in their minds. Some don't. Both are okay. Some genderqueers prefer to be addressed by gender-neutral pronouns such as "ze", "hir", "they", "their". Others prefer the more conventional binary pronouns such as "he" and "her". It's really up to personal choice.
Genderqueer is seen as freedom from conventional binary genders that society has placed on us. Everyone is seen as equal, because no one is better than any one else.
I'll leave you with a quote from genderqueer person:
"I don't know if I'm male or female or both or neither. All I know is that when I'm filling out a form and it makes me choose "male" or "female", I really want to tell it to f*ck off."
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Trans* and Genderqueer Categories Part 4
This one has proven really difficult for me to write about for some reason. Maybe it's because there isn't really a lot of information out there on androgyne or that the information that I found is ambiguous?
In any case, "Androgyne" or "Androgynous" people are, as the term hints, between the genders. People who identify as androgyne see themselves as being solely neither male nor female and often dress in a style which borrows from both genders.
Since I totally fail on this, I'll just let PicaVPica on Youtube explain it.
In any case, "Androgyne" or "Androgynous" people are, as the term hints, between the genders. People who identify as androgyne see themselves as being solely neither male nor female and often dress in a style which borrows from both genders.
Since I totally fail on this, I'll just let PicaVPica on Youtube explain it.
Monday, 8 August 2011
Trans* and Genderqueer Categories Part 3
I have decided to include this category for two reasons. The first reason is because when some people hear the terms "transgender/sexual", "genderqueer", or "bi-gendered" they think that this means the person is intersexed, which usually isn't true. The second reason is that intersexed people are discriminated against and often forced to conform to society's rules on gender roles.
To be intersexed, a person must have been born with atypical reproductive or sexual anatomy. As you can imagine, this can take several forms. A person who is, by all outward signs, male may have ovaries instead of testes. A person who looks female may have an elongated and thickened clitoris with a blocked vaginal opening. A man might have a uterus inside his abdomen, or have a split scrotum. Intersex may also be as "simple" as having a mixture of XX and XY chromosomes without having any outward appearance.
It used to be very common for doctors to decide whether an intersexed baby was a "boy" or a "girl". Upon deciding, the child was subjected to surgery and sometimes hormones to "normalise" the genitals so they would look like a "proper" boy or girl. This practise is less common now than it was 30 years ago, but it is still quite prevalent.
Again, intersex does not equal transgender or transsexual. Intersex has to do with the body and how it developed in the womb, while transgender/transsexual is more to do with how a person feels internally about their gender.
If you would like to learn more about intersex, the Intersex Society of North America has a really good web site based on a simple question and answer format.
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Trans* and Genderqueer Categories Part 2
There are four or five more trans* identities which I want to go over in the next week. I say four or five, because one of them could be included in with another identity. We'll have to see how the articles go when I write them. In any case, I've got my work cut out for me, so let's begin!
Transsexuality is not a choice. In fact, the dysphoria and intense feelings of being the opposite gender that they were assigned at birth often cause extreme levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. It is because of these feelings that transsexuals go down the path of getting hormone treatment and SRS (sex reassignment surgery).
This leads us to the question "Why don't more people come out as trans*?". There are lots of reasons why people stay quiet about who they are and try to hide it from those around them, but the biggest reason is tolerance and acceptance. All too often, youth overhear their parents, church leaders, and friends berating LGBTQ people and they are afraid to come out to these people because they think they will be judged, labelled a "sinner", forced to undergo very dangerous and harmful "reparative therapy", or disinherited and kicked out of their home. Needless to say, this is also a huge cause of depression and has often led to the trans* person taking their own life because they are not accepted by those who are supposed to love and accept them no matter what.
In closing, I want to reiterate that being transsexual is not a choice, and if you know a transsexual person, then please try to be supportive of them.
Today I've decided to talk about Transsexuals. According to Dictionary.com, a transsexual is "a person who has undergone hormone treatment and surgery to attain the physical characteristics of the opposite sex."
Transsexuality is not a choice. In fact, the dysphoria and intense feelings of being the opposite gender that they were assigned at birth often cause extreme levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. It is because of these feelings that transsexuals go down the path of getting hormone treatment and SRS (sex reassignment surgery).
If being a transsexual is not a choice, then what causes it? No one is completely sure what causes transsexuality, but there are many theories including one which states that the amounts and types of hormones the unborn foetus is exposed to which results in opposite sex brain growth and (sometimes) physical features.
We can find instances of transsexuals all throughout history. In fact, most ancient civilizations held trans* people in high regard, thinking of them as being close to the gods. The first modern transsexual to undergo surgery was Lili Elbe, a male to female transsexual. Lili
was born "Einar Mogens Wegener" in 1882, in Denmark. She underwent genital reassignment surgery in 1930 in Germany, but tragically died just before she turned 50 due to complications.
Today, transsexuals comprise about 1 in 30,000 for male to females and 1 in 100,000 for female to males. (source) These are the people who have "come out" as transsexuals; it is certain that for every person who has come out there is at least one person who hasn't.
This leads us to the question "Why don't more people come out as trans*?". There are lots of reasons why people stay quiet about who they are and try to hide it from those around them, but the biggest reason is tolerance and acceptance. All too often, youth overhear their parents, church leaders, and friends berating LGBTQ people and they are afraid to come out to these people because they think they will be judged, labelled a "sinner", forced to undergo very dangerous and harmful "reparative therapy", or disinherited and kicked out of their home. Needless to say, this is also a huge cause of depression and has often led to the trans* person taking their own life because they are not accepted by those who are supposed to love and accept them no matter what.
In closing, I want to reiterate that being transsexual is not a choice, and if you know a transsexual person, then please try to be supportive of them.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Birthday and Fitness Update
Tomorrow is my 34th birthday, and in celebration I spent two days and two nights with my boyfriends. They baked a wonderful triple chocolate cake for me and gave me a card and a very thoughtful gift.
My fitness programme is coming along nicely. I weighed myself yesterday and have lost two pounds since last month. My measurements haven't changed much except for my upper arms which have lost half an inch.
Height: 5 feet
Weight: 162 lbs
Waist: 37"
Thighs: 25"
Calves: 16"
Arms: 12.5"
Chest: 38"
Neck: 13"
My arm strength has increased so starting today the weight used for biceps curls will be increased and the repetitions will be decreased, slowly working back up. The weight used for butterfly curls will remain the same, as my goal at this time isn't to build up my pecs, but rather to lose fat in my chest.
Daily Exercises:
My fitness programme is coming along nicely. I weighed myself yesterday and have lost two pounds since last month. My measurements haven't changed much except for my upper arms which have lost half an inch.
Height: 5 feet
Weight: 162 lbs
Waist: 37"
Thighs: 25"
Calves: 16"
Arms: 12.5"
Chest: 38"
Neck: 13"
My arm strength has increased so starting today the weight used for biceps curls will be increased and the repetitions will be decreased, slowly working back up. The weight used for butterfly curls will remain the same, as my goal at this time isn't to build up my pecs, but rather to lose fat in my chest.
Daily Exercises:
Cardio: Either walking a minimum of 30 minutes a day OR playing a cardio-intensive game on the Kinect (i.e. Dance Central
, UFC Trainer
, Zumba Fitness
) for 30 minutes or more.
Weights: Biceps Curls - 10 reps at 2.5 kg, gradually increasing up to 35 reps at 2.5 kg per arm
Butterfly Curls - 30 reps at 1 kg per arm
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